Journey of taste: Lisoda is beneficial in blood pressure, benefits are also available in allergies, history is thousands of years old

Journey of taste: Lisoda is beneficial in blood pressure, benefits are also available in allergies, history is thousands of years old


The wood of Lisoda is very solid, due to which it does not get termites.
It is believed that the sticky pulp found in Lisoda is miraculous.

Swad Ka Safarnama: Lisoda is a desi or say wild fruit. Its tree is so ‘powerful’ that it grows in hot and sandy areas from the Himalayas to Rajasthan-Gujarat. The specialty of this sticky fruit is that if you are troubled by blood pressure, it plays a role in reducing it. It is also beneficial in allergies occurring in the body. Ayurveda describes the characteristics of this fruit. It is thousands of years old wild fruit and India and its surrounding area is believed to be its origin.

Lisoda pickle is eaten a lot

Lisoda (Glue Berries) is round like a medium sized plum. When it is raw it appears green. After ripening it becomes yellow and somewhat transparent. Vegetables are prepared from raw lisoda and its pickle is very famous. When it ripens, its pulp becomes sweet and sticky. Then it can be eaten. It grows in bunches on the tree and it also has a slight astringency in its taste. Its bark and leaves are beneficial. In many rural areas, instead of betel leaf, its bark is chewed, it turns the mouth and tongue red.

It is believed that its wood is very solid, due to which it does not get termites. It is believed that keeping its wood in the house keeps peace and no poisonous insects and moths come in the house. Mathani is made of its wood in the villages.

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Description in ‘Charaksamhita’ and ‘Sushrutsamhita’

The history of Lisoda fruit is very ancient. Food historians consider it a wild fruit. They say that thousands of years ago it was found from the Himalayan region of India to Nepal, Myanmar, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, China, Polynesia, Australia. It is described in the Ayurvedic text ‘Charaksamhita’ written in India in 7th-8th BC. It is called Pichhil. According to the book, it suppresses vata-pitta and kapha. It has been considered a ‘powerful’ fruit. Another Ayurvedic book of India ‘Sushrut Samhita’ describes its medicinal properties. In this book it has been called Bahuvar. It is also believed that the Udalakas tree is mentioned in Valmiki Ramayana which is probably Lisoda only. Such a book was mentioned in the Mahabharata


It is believed that the sticky pulp found in this fruit is miraculous. image-shutterstock

Is. According to well-known Ayurveda expert Acharya Balkishan, who has done extensive research on Indian herbs, fruits and vegetables, Lisoda is sweet, pungent, bitter, astringent, cold, smooth and cough-cholesterol. It is beneficial for the stomach, suppresses the toxins of the body. Its unripe fruit is dry, cool and sweet and ripe fruit is nutritious and also removes blood defects.

The fruit has anti-hypertensive effect

The properties of wild fruit Lisode are amazing, which makes it special. Former Dean of Mumbai University and Vaidyaraj Dinanath Upadhyay says that according to a research, this fruit has anti-hypertensive effect. Therefore it is effective in controlling blood pressure. It can reduce oxidative stress (stress arising from blood circulation). It is believed that the sticky pulp found in this fruit is miraculous. In Ayurveda, Lisoda is considered effective in ringworm, itching, itching. Grind its smooth paste and kernels and apply its paste on the affected skin, it starts giving benefits immediately. This treatment is being done for thousands of years. If the sore throat is not reducing for a long time, then boiling Lisoda and making a decoction of it and drinking it is beneficial.

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It is also considered to be a tonic for the body.

He also says that nutrients are available in proper quantity in Lisoda, so it is considered ‘powerful’ for the body. Powder is made by drying this bark and leaves, which is used in Ayurveda to cure many diseases. It is also effective in problems like joint pain and swelling. If there is pain in the tooth, then after boiling the bark of its tree in water, prepare a decoction and rinse it after cooling, then it gets relief. This is such a wild fruit that cannot be eaten in large quantities. If eaten in excess, it will make the taste of the mouth uncontrollable. Abdominal pain is also possible.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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